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The Fundamentals of Growing a Recruitment Business in the US

Get Exclusive Pre-Release Access to Our Next Episode

In the next episode of Scale Up Stateside, we speak with Ben Broughton, founder of Primis. Ben has scaled the business which is growing across multiple locations across the UK and US.

In this session, Ben opens up about the challenges of growing a recruitment business in the US, including topics such as:

  • Starting in the UK before landing and expanding in the US

  • Choosing strategic locations for his target market

  • Developing BD strategies

  • The differences he has experienced in the US market

  • His lessons and learnings from leading a global business

We’ll be releasing this in-person interview on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube on Friday 1st March but you can watch the full discussion exclusively here from Wednesday 21st February 12pm (GMT).

WATCH NOW: Don't Miss Insights to Grow Your Recruitment Business in the US

Let us know what you think of the episode on LinkedIn by tagging PGC Group and using #ScaleUpStateside

Have a question for Maria or Ben? Connect with them on LinkedIn to reach out!

Want to Understand how you can Grow Your Recruitment Business in the US?

Learn what you need to know before expanding to the US staffing industry through our resources. From expert insights on US recruitment to popular states to do business in, our blogs, ebooks, and success stories have got you covered!



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E-books and guides for your recruitment journey in the US.

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